We provide four distinct npm packages that can be independently installed and utilized, giving developers the freedom to integrate precisely the functionality they need:
Install the React-Modal
The react-modal is supplied as a complete package and includes the required providers
npm install @tconnect.io/modal
This is a complete React component specifically crafted for blockchain wallet connections. It provides a ready-to-use interface that allows users to connect with supported wallets seamlessly. Once connected, it establishes a React context that enables developers to interact directly with blockchain functionalities. Think of it as a smart, pre-built gateway that simplifies the often complex process of wallet integration and blockchain interaction.
Install the Etherlink Provider
npm install @tconnect.io/etherlink-provider
This provider is exclusively designed for Etherlink, Tezos EVM-compatible sidechain.
Install the Tezos Beacon Provider
npm install @tconnect.io/tezos-beacon-provider
A Beacon wallet provider for Tezos ecosystem integrations.
Install the Tezos Wallet Connect Provider
npm install @tconnect.io/tezos-wc-provider
A Wallet Connect provider specifically optimized for Tezos blockchain connections.
In our Quickstart documentation, we'll focus on demonstrating the usage of the react-modal as an introductory example. However, our comprehensive documentation will provide in-depth guidance for each package, ensuring developers can leverage the full potential of each component according to their specific project requirements.
Setup the React-Modal Provider
We recommend first providing the TConnectModalProvider.
// Import the TConnectModalProvider component for managing the TConnect modal
import { TConnectModalProvider } from "@tconnect.io/modal";
// Import the custom component to be rendered within the modal provider
import { MyComponent } from "./MyComponent";
export default function App() {
return (
// Wrap the application with TConnectModalProvider to configure and
// enable the TConnect modal
appName={"Example App"} // Name of the application
appUrl={"https://your-domain.io"} // URL of the application
bridgeUrl={"https://tconnect.io"} // Bridge URL for the TConnect service
apiKey={"PRIVATE_API_KEY"} // API key for authenticating with TConnect
// Render the custom component within the TConnect provider
<MyComponent />
Display the Wallet Connection React-Modal
Now, within the provider, in this example in MyComponent component, the openModal method can be called to display the modal for wallet selection.
// Import the useTConnectModal hook to interact with the TConnect modal
import { useTConnectModal } from "@tconnect.io/modal";
// Define a functional React component named MyComponent
export const MyComponent = () => {
// Initialize the TConnect modal functionality using the custom hook
const tConnect = useTConnectModal();
return (
// Render a button that triggers the TConnect modal when clicked
<button onClick={tConnect.openModal}>open modal</button>