How to Deploy
The Proof of Concept clicker game has been developed using Next.js and Node.js with Express.js, ensuring a smooth and scalable architecture. Both the frontend and backend utilize TypeScript for strong type checking and improved developer experience, and React powers the frontend for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces.
To get started with development, make sure the following are installed:
Node.js (v14 or later)
Git (for cloning the repository)
Clone the Repository
Navigate to the Proof-of-Concept Directory
Navigate to the backend directory
Install Dependencies
Configure Environment Variables
Create a .env file and define MONGO_URI like:
Run the backend-server
Navigate to the frontend directory
Install Dependencies
Configure Enviroment Variables
create .env file and define NEXT_PUBLIC_API_BASE_URL (eg.
Run the frontend-server in dev mode
The sample app has been developed as a Telegram Mini App. To fully utilize the application, it must be run within the Telegram environment. Some features are limited when used outside of Telegram. For more information on how to host as Telegram Mini App see:
Last updated